Milestones in Ordination: a timeline
1901 - Pearson develops PCA as a regression technique
1927 - Spearman applies factor analysis to psychology
1930 - Ramensky uses an informal ordination technique and the term "Ordnung"
in ecology
1933 - Hotelling develops PCA for understanding the correlation matrix
1950 - Curtis and McIntosh employ the "continuum index" approach
1952 - Williams uses Correspondence Analysis
1954 - Goodall uses the term "ordination" for PCA
1957 - Bray-Curtis (Polar) ordination
1964 - Kruskal develops NMDS
1970's - Whittaker develops theoretical foundations of gradient analysis
1973 - Hill revives Correspondence Analysis
1976 - Canonical Correlation introduced to ecology
1977 - Fasham, Prentice use NMDS
1979 - DCA introduced by Hill and Gauch
1982 - Gauch's "Multivariate Analysis in Community Ecology"
1986 - CCA introduced by ter Braak
1986 - Fuzzy set ordination introduced by Roberts
1988 - ter Braak and Prentice's "Theory of Gradient Analysis"
This page was created and is maintained by Michael
the ordination web page